Friday, November 14, 2008

"I now feel proud to be an American!" ???

In the past few weeks in our country we have all been witness to something wonderful, great, moving and historic. Barack Obama has been elected to be the first African American President in our countries storied history. I am honored to be alive during this great time. That aside I did vote for the other guy:) I typically stay out of the political world and really anything that is of consequence in the world unless it has to do with sports. I am happy to live my life and take care of my family and not worry on a day to day basis about the economy, wars or any other problem that might be going on in the world. Is that right I doubt it but it sure makes my life a little less complicated. But something that I have noticed in society whether it is other blogs, facebook, emails, myspace or any other place in this country and to me it is really sad and disturbing. And that is the comment, "I am now proud to call my self an American." I have always been proud to be an American. I love this country and all that it affords me and my family. I am sorry but most people around the world would give their right arm to be able to live in this country. Now do I think that our current President has his flaws, absolutely, but so has every President that this country has ever seen and so will our next President. The Articles of Faith written as 13 statments of truth that we believe in as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints clearly define that. In AoF # 12 it reads: "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law". It does not say democrats or republicans, white or black, gay or straight, man or woman. It says president! We are to obey, honor and sustain the law regardless. Do I agree with all of Obama's proposed plans and idealogies, no but I do respect him for his office and what he is now charged with. I will pray for him and the other leaders of this great country to guide us in a direction that will benefit all who live here. I am very proud to be an American citizen and I am greatful to those who serve, sacrifice and are willing to keep this country free for me to live in my safe sports centered world. I will now depart from my lone venture into political commentary back to the world I know best sports!